Denver Colorado Mineral and Fossil Show
Fall 2008
Denver, Colorado
Report by John Cornish

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And then came the big show, the combined DGMS and CFE shows over at the Merchandise Mart. Lots more friends here and lots more treasures too. I very much enjoyed the displays, always my first target and my most often repeated source of excitement! As usual, the exquisite treasures shown were incredible! As equally, I treasured the wonderful family themes displayed in several cases. These were often highlighted by photos and specimens, always a wonderful combination! The stocks of the Dealers burst from every table and every shelf. Minerals and fossils, books and jewelry. The inter-active area was all a' buzz with Gold Panning and demonstrators. This is a good show!





As a final bit, I'd like to thank some friends of mine, Justin and Brandy ( and Wayne Sorensen ( Justin and Brandy are owners of the online mineral portal, At this year's show, they handed out a 100% free Mineral Magazine! This is the 3rd issue of Volume 1, and like the two other issues before it, Justin and Brandy are giving away copies to everyone. I was thrilled and honored when they stopped by and asked if they could leave an entire box of copies for me to give away! Now, I had two free gifts to share with folks who visited the room! The first gift I'd received to share came into the room ( not long before Justin and Brandy showed up ) in the arms of Wayne Sorensen, owner of SVL Analytical. For the third time in just over a decade, Wayne is offering a free Jeff Scovil ( photographed Calendar filled with exquisite specimens from his collection. Wayne's 2009 calendar features pegmatite minerals from around the World, an absolutely breath-taking array of specimens. All through the show, folks seemed stunned, receiving such high quality productions for free. It made me feel good being a part of these giveaways. Thanks!

Well, that's it for this year's Denver Show. I wish I could have seen more and had a more thorough report to share with everyone, but alas, such was not to be. What a blessing that so many of you came by to visit, it helps make it all worthwhile!

My next big show is in Tucson, upcoming in 2009. I hope this report finds you well and making plans for this next year's BIGGEST show! I'll have the case lights on, come on by and say hi! All the very best everyone. Take care,


For those of you who may be curious and who may still enjoy a bit more cruising on the net, the following links will take you to the Show and Dealer link lists for the shows I either participated in, or visited, during this year's 2008 Denver experience...

For the Holiday Inn, the Colorado Mineral and Fossil Show ( CMFS ) see...

For the Merchandise Mart, see the links for both the Denver Gem and Mineral Show ( DGMS )... Denver Mineral Show and Denver Mineral Show Dealers

... and the Colorado Fossil Expo ( CFE )...